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https://www.zhonzhuan.com/ 时间:2024-09-02 18:13 来源:四川自考中心报名












  1. The login account for the system is the valid resident identity card number. The login password is set by the candidate themselves. For enrolled students who have not changed their password, the default password is the last 6 digits of their valid resident identity card number. Note: If a candidate is unable to log in to the management system due to inaccurate personal identity information (including failure to collect a valid resident identity card number, photo, or failure to pass the verification with the collected valid resident identity card number), they can contact the registration county (city, district) recruitment examination institution or self-study office of the college to complete the personal information and generate an account. After that, the candidate can log in normally.

  2. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the application, the query function for examination registration will be temporarily closed during the application period. Before applying, candidates must log in to the management system themselves (candidate portal website: https://zk.sceea.cn/) to check the courses they need to apply for in advance.

  3. According to the relevant examination regulations of the Ministry of Education, candidates whose basic information (name, valid resident identity card number, gender, ethnicity, photo, etc.) does not match their valid resident identity card information will not be allowed to enter the examination room. The examination fee paid will not be refunded. Candidates with incorrect basic information should apply for a change during the "examination registration change" acceptance period. After the correction of basic information, they can participate in the next application.

  4. Currently, all courses of self-study examinations in our province can be applied for repeatedly. Candidates must carefully verify the courses they need to apply for before applying. Once the application and payment are successful, the examination fee paid will not be refunded.

  5. Graduation certificates and inter-provincial transfer of candidates' admission ticket numbers can no longer be used. If candidates want to continue participating in self-study examinations, they should re-register for enrollment.

  6. Candidates who apply for inter-provincial transfer this time will not be able to use the admission ticket number they applied with to apply for courses in our province.

  7. Under the same examination session, the same valid resident identity card number cannot be used to apply for and participate in examinations in different counties (cities, districts) or other provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) at the same time. Candidates must select all the courses they intend to apply for at once, and then choose the intended county (city, district) based on the remaining examination seat availability. If candidates have already applied for and paid for some courses, but the remaining examination seat availability in the intended county (city, district) is insufficient, they will not be able to continue applying for other courses.

  8. To avoid missing course registration and payment due to network congestion and other reasons, it is recommended that candidates arrange their time reasonably and complete the application, payment, and other related operations as early as possible.






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