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https://www.zhonzhuan.com/ 时间:2024-09-20 07:54 来源:四川自考中心报名









党政办公室:负责组织开展学院党建与思政工作,促进党建与业务工作深入融合;统筹负责学院行政工作,具体做好学院二级财务核算、行政管理、人事管理、资产管理工作; 联系电话:028-8732118、87352022 培训部:负责开拓培训市场、组织开展各类培训;结合学校特色,研发培训项目及课程、搭建培训基地; 联系电话:028-87356858、87352828 教学部:承担自考主考院校职责,负责学历继续教育人才培养方案及专业设置管理、师资建设、资源建设与教材管理(含思政课程与课程思政建设)、面授教学、直播教学与线上辅导、论文管理、考试组织与管理; 联系电话:028-87099376、87352175 招生部:负责学历继续教育、自考助学招生工作;校外教学点(助学点)规划、合作建设、清理整顿;站点评估与绩效考核。 联系电话:028-87352496、87099303 技术部:保障学院信息化建设,负责学院业务信息系统开发及运维管理、网络与信息安全管理、实验室运维管理、课程资源录制。 联系电话:028-87354426 学生工作部:负责学历继续教育学生咨询、学习支持服务、校本部学生管理、学籍与考籍管理、学位管理工作、学生思想政治工作、校园文化建设及校友工作。 联系电话:028-87352377、87352596、87359020(成教网教)、87352275(自考)


The location for on-site confirmation: Candidates should report to the admission examination institution of the education bureau in the district or county where they have applied for the exam.

The time for on-site confirmation: Generally in September, specific dates will be specified in the official documents from the provincial examination institute. The teachers have the obligation to inform the students who have applied for the adult education examination.

Documents for on-site confirmation: Valid ID card (temporary ID card), original copy and photocopy of military officer certificate or soldier certificate, original copy of graduation certificate (students applying for undergraduate degree should provide a form for recording and querying educational background information), original copy of household registration book, students who apply outside of their registered residence should also provide social security payment certificate, residence permit, and property certificate.

Collection of biometric information on-site: The fingerprints and facial features of the candidates will be collected.

Candidates use electronic devices to scan the QR code for confirmation of registration information, carefully check the registration information and photo information as prompted, and after verification, electronically sign the confirmation on the device. The examination institution at the county (or district) will print out the "Candidate Registration Form" for the candidate to verify and keep. If any errors are found during the verification, they should be corrected immediately and reprinted on-site. All consequences and responsibilities caused by information errors are the responsibility of the candidates themselves. The registration is invalid without the candidate's signature confirmation.

When confirming the registration information on-site, undergraduate degree students must present the original and photocopy of the diploma, graduation certificate, or higher certificate issued by the national education series of higher education institutions or self-study examination institutions approved by the Ministry of Education, as well as the electronic registration form of the education department's academic credentials or the China Higher Education Qualifications Certification Report.

The examination institution at the county (or district) is responsible for the review of materials for bonus points for admission, and the provincial education examination institute arranges spot checks. The materials for exemption from the exam will be summarized and sent to the provincial education examination institute for review by the examination institution at the city (or prefecture) level. Candidates who meet the admission bonus conditions must present the corresponding original documents and photocopies as well as relevant original proof materials. Among them, candidates from autonomous prefectures and counties (including ethnic autonomy counties) who qualify for a reduced admission control score must apply at the examination institution of the county (or district) where their registered residence is located with their ID card and household registration book (with copies attached). After passing the review at the examination institution of the county (or district) where their registered residence is located and affixing the official seal on the photocopies of the ID card and household registration book, they can enjoy the corresponding score reduction.

The list of candidates who are eligible to apply but do not meet the local preferential conditions (i.e. their registered residence is not in the local area) will be summarized by the examination institution at the city (or prefecture) and reported to the Information Technology Department of the provincial education examination institute.

Printing of the "Admission Ticket" online for the adult education examination: After completing the online registration and payment and on-site confirmation, candidates should log on to the website of the Sichuan Provincial Education Examination Institute (https://www.sceea.cn) within the specified time to print their own "Admission Ticket" according to the prompts. At the same time, carefully check all the information in the "Admission Ticket", including the photo, and if there is any error, immediately apply to the examination institution in the county (or district) for modification to avoid being unable to participate in the exam due to information errors. Candidates who fail to print the "Admission Ticket" within the specified time will not be able to take the exam and will be responsible for the consequences. For candidates who are unable to print the "Admission Ticket" themselves or have difficulties in doing so, they can go to the on-site confirmation examination institution to print the "Admission Ticket".






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